Monday, 7 November 2022

Their Best & Worst

 Their Best & Worst...

to the best of my knowledge.

I've been to over 500 skateparks and I do my best to find out all about them. I try to learn about the designers, build crews and the history of Advocacy, City Council involvement and construction. Some parks are designed by one company and built by another. Sometimes a park is built by General Contractors with mixed results (most are pretty competent, getting better with each project OR the GC subcontracts to a skatepark expert).

I have done my best to validate the following claims but (for legal reasons) this is an opinion piece. Additionally, a project may have come out poorly due to reasons outside of the company's control(I'll do my best to explain). Municipal Rules sometimes prevent a Design Company from bidding on the Build part of the project. I'm limiting this article to Ontario Projects.  For additional info on the parks, click the link.

New Line Skateparks

The Best

It's difficult to choose a 'Best' as New Line has been a leader in quality skateparks for 20 years. I'll go with the Newmarket Outdoor Skatepark. It's modern with great amenities. I believe it was constructed by Pine Valley Corp and Pro-pour Concrete. An in-house build that came out great is Alton.

The Worst
I have a full breakdown of the problems with this park(click the link). It's a shame as the design is good but the construction, done by a different firm, is awful. 

Spectrum Skateparks
While this company is no longer around, the former prez is still active with freelance projects & they have a large number of parks in Ontario. 

The Best
Campbellford Skatepark is my favorite park. A few marble ledges have been replaced with coping but the park is top tier. A very close second would be Picton(which will come up later).  This park was constructed by Radius Skateparks who built a lot of Spectrum Projects.

The Worst
As per my source, The City of Mississauga wanted a skatepark designed in a way that it could be installed modular or poured. Most of Mississauga's skateparks are pre-fab concrete ramps.  Spectrum had nothing to do with construction as it was built by Rutherford Contracting.

Transition Construction

The Best
I may be biased but the West Shore Skate Spot is sick.  Since this article was posted Southfields in Caledon was completed as a Design/Build by Transition and it is awesome.

The Worst
Transition does not have many Ontario projects (design) that I know of, but Thamesford has to take last place. It's a good park with a couple questionable design choices but the degrading pool coping puts it at the bottom.
I don't know much about this company but their emblem is unmistakable. This one in Port Franks is probably the best I've come across.

The Worst
These modular parks are rare. Both Alymer & Vienna have the same issues as the loser on this list - Dryden. While it has reportedly been fixed, Dryden was the most unrideable park I'd ever been to. It was 4 years old in 2013 when I visited and there was so much damage to the concrete, filler and coping I stayed out of the bowl entirely.

Radius Skateparks
The Best
Radius built a lot of parks, many designed by other companies, but Haliburton Junction Skatepark is their jewel. It contains multiple local references and has all the basics.

The Worst
Ok, this one is a bit unfair. Brighton is a generation 2 park that re-used the existing concrete pad and pre-fab ramps. The addition was designed by New Line but Radius actually made it better (more info in the link). When this is your 'worst', you build pretty awesome parks.

Whatever This Is
I have not been able to find the company that built these 'no run up' stair sets but they exist in Arnprior & Erieau & Sudbury. The flats of the box and mini are both rippled. I think Hanover is the same company which would explain the Ankle Mangler. No Best or Worst. All weird.

The Best
Skatewave was discontinued in 2017 but a ton of their products still exist. They feature a lot of butter ledges (recycled plastic) which wears and is easily subjected to damage (melts). This Brampton installation at Gore Meadows was pretty good and well laid out on a fresh asphalt pad...

Until it was moved. The new pad is broom finished concrete, and the broom finish runs perpendicular to the flow of the park.

 The Worst
A Brampton Franken-park. This one at Memorial Arena is made of other decommissioned skateparks in Brampton. These ramps become extremely slick when wet or dusty and break down over time.  Many of the side panels are now missing.

This Stuff
Another mystery modular I've seen around, this one in Kincardine is the best I've come across. & by best I mean that most of the parts were there & the surface was good. Even with all that, the town is planning a concrete skatepark. 

The Worst
Same ramps in Petawawa on the military base. Rough ground, bad layout & missing parts. Stayner is pretty bad too.

Victor Ford & Asscoiates
VF&A are a landscape architecture firm that was involved in several skatepark projects in the late 90's and early 2000's. They, thankfully, have left skateparks to the professionals. Their style of boxed in quarters and safety rails makes their projects distinct.

Their Best
Cummer, I guess. One of the first skateparks in Toronto. It's really bad by todays standards but I remember being hyped on it when it first opened. The box leads right into a quarter pipe and the stair set landing drops into the bowl.

Their Worst
I'm so glad I didn't go to college in Ridgetown, for many reasons. This park is so weird bad that I skated the knocked over barrier.

Papillion Skateparks
Finally, Papillion Skateparks is rocking projects in Ontario. This is the only one so far (they have since done an addition to Alexandria) but I've been to a few of their projects in their home province of Quebec. They are fantastic.  This is Akwesasne Skatepark on Cornwall Island.

Drop-In Skateparks
With only one Ontario project that I know of, it is hard to judge this company by one project.  The Waterford skatepark has some things I like and some things I don't like. 
I Like the big launch box, the 'A' frame feature and the Snow Plow Hip.  I Love that the locals Love It!
I don't like the Galvanized Coping (it's soft & sticky), the reveal on the coping (there's none), and the rail mounts( the rails are bolted down instead of being in the poured concrete).
Check my full breakdown HERE

Stantec is an American company that does everything from hospitals to wind farms. They have also done some skateparks in Ontario. They may be associated with American Ramp Company and you'll see how I feel about them next.
 Their best parks are Caledonia and Dunnville.  They were built as a 2 park package deal with Haldimand County. Both are really nice, well built parks with some minor questionable design choices.


Stantec's worst park in Ontario is Nelson Skatepark in Burlington. The city hired Stantec and flew in Former Pro and skatepark designer Kanten Russell for the design sesh in early 2013. The table I sat with included other skatepark designers and builders. We came up with a linear concept with a mini-ramp on the side. Our design became the official design.  The city didn't approve a proper budget and mini was cut and CRC built with pre-cast ramps.
This is the professional design of our concept. The finished project is Stantec's worst while also being CRC - Precast/PIP Mix's 'best'. It'll come up again below.

Ramparts is a now defunct pre-fab ramp company. I can't find any evidence of them existing past 2014. Here's the old Brooklin, ON park.  I just discovered some of their ramps in Ripley, ON in 2024. 

The Canadian Ramp Company

This company produces different kinds of modular ramps (metal, composite and concrete) and poured in place (PIP) Skateparks. They have also worked in Canada under the names Hardcore Skateparks, Hardcore Shotcrete and are the Canadian Division of American Ramp Company.  They also ally with the playground equipment company 'Park N Play Design' to supply their services.
If you can't tell, I'm a little biased against them. I don't hate them. I just want them to do better.
Disclaimer - Some of the following may include ramps from other pre-fab companies. Check out the Perils of Pre-fab. The point here is modular ramp = temporary skateparks (The Skatepark Project).
...but here's a fun story. Hardcore Shotcrete built 2 Spectrum designs and put their plaque on the skatepark.  Fast forward a few years and both plaques are gone. In fact, one of the bowls they built is gone too.

Their Best Metal Park
Port Rowan is well layed out on a fresh concrete pad. There's a bit of modular damage but overall, it's pretty good. It is however, quite loud. Like beating on a giant metal drum.  The park in Erin was so loud the town built a 10ft stone wall to block the sound. When Newcastle proposed a metal park I wrote them a letter about how the features perform in the real world.  Newcastle went with a concrete park by Transition.

Even a well built metal park can have issues. A new install near Sudbury had the grinding edge lower than the box, leading to the sharp box edge taking a chunk out of my wheel.

The Worst Metal Park
Sheldon Park in Burlington is a Certified Piece of Suck. Super rough, seagull poop covered ground with a loud bench and rainbow rail. Rot in Peace. When they installed the Arthur Skatepark, I was bummed the 1/2 deck feature was absent. I later found out it was on backorder. WTF, how does a skatepark feature end up on backorder. Anyways, I checked once installed and discovered the supports were already rusty.

Their best composite park.
The Thorndale skatepark has a decent layout and the ramps are in decent condition. I've been to dozens of parks just like this.

Their worst composite park
There are a few cases of pristine ramps but such a stupid layout that no one uses the park. The one in St. George is another case of too much stuff packed into too small a space. But who cares when you're selling ramps. 

Their best pre-cast Concrete Park
I liked Listowel. It has some issues but it was fun.

Their worst pre-cast concrete park
Churchill Meadows Community Common (not to be confused with Churchill Meadows Community Centre some 3km away) is poorly laid out and, due to damage I assume, some of the banks were removed from this section. I've found the bolts that hold the transition plates are easily damaged and they pop up. The city then grinds them smooth. Eventually, there's nothing holding the plate on. Another park lost the plate and the city came in and ground the bolt ends off. Didn't replace the plate though.

Precast/PIP mix
Nelson Skatepark (The Stantec design) was supposed to be a PIP park but the city cheaped out and went with this. The original design included a mini-ramp. Follow the link to see all the issues. Oh yeah, this is the 'best'.

The Worst Precast/PIP mix
Hagersville has concrete transition 'plates' for their quarter pipes.

You know what, nevermind. Midland is worse. The precast stuff is a big lump in the middle of the park. You need to bomb a rough hill into the park to carry enough speed to get to the stairs/rails on the other side of the obstacle. The bowl (PIP) has no reveal on the coping AKA No-ping. Left to Right - bomb the hill. Right to Left - Drop in on the jersey barrier. FFS.

Their Best PIP Concrete Park
Picton is a fantastic park that attracts people from all over Ontario and beyond. It was designed by Spectrum and built by CRC. It was so successful because a local skateboarding youth pastor who works at the church across the street was on site every day making sure it was done right.
Sweet Photo courtesy of Session Atlas

EDIT - hours after publishing this article I hit Cornell Community park and found the new skate spot is open. Designed by CRC. Built by some good freelance skatepark builders that I know. It's really, really, really slippery but the design and layout is great. Hopefully a winter makes it a little more rideable. The city has already roughed up a small patch of QP when they buffed some tags.  I can't talk shit about this design. If this was the quality they put out every time I wouldn't have such a problem with CRC.

Their Worst PIP Skatepark
Geez, pick one. This was from their own website.
Let's break them down in order.

First - Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. Looks great but bad to skate.
With the center island being the highest point, hitting the stairs is difficult. It's either a quick throwdown or cross the park. There's also the big 3 to parking lot. The kicker to kicker gap is rounded, making it useless. Most of the transition is weird and it lacks the basic flat bar, ledge & manny pad. I'm fairly sure the hubbas were precast. That would explain the 6" flat to hubba on the Left side of this photo.

Second - Aurora Family Leisure Complex. note the creek
Click the link for more info but I'll keep it brief here. The park has been deemed structurally unsound and needs to be completely replaced.

Third - Mclennan Skatepark, Kitchener. Mt Trashmore
Sorry for the bad photos but they show the asphalt was sinking away from the concrete and you can see a corner of the old 'hot tub' quarter that doesn't appear in the website photo. The whole park is built on a former dump. CRC got the build contract for this design (by another company) and didn't use enough pilings. The entire bowl shifted and the 'hot tub' would hold water so the city removed it. The bowl continued to shift and the city had no choice but to decommission and destroy the bowl. It was under 10 years old. 

While I haven't skated it yet, the new Strathroy park will probably join this list. (Update - While it was fun, Strathroy is another Construction FAIL. No reveal on the coping. The bowl is missing design features and other obstacles are in different locations from the design. click the link for more.) It has a high middle layout like Tyendinaga.  Skatepark construction is a really hot field right now and crews are busy.
who needs room for multiple riders?
CRC was having a hard time finding experienced skatepark builders for this project. That may explain why the project took SIX months and went over budget!  I have seen photos of the now complete park and there are rails in different (and stupid) places from the concept and looks like the bowl lost all the extensions and features. 
Oh, and the Volmer park that was New Line's worst. Guess who built that?

Update - CRC's latest, Tecumseh Skatepark in Sarnia, ON is a step in the right direction. The quarter pipes have reveal/bonk on the coping, but there is still major issues other companies don't seem to have. A seam in the bowl is leaking and shown signs of degradation. follow the link for the full breakdown.
wonky reveal

I have been getting some additional requests for more info on CRC Projects so here are 2 other 2023 builds by them. They're not the worst but not the greatest. Check them out.

Sleeping Lion Skatepark, Innisfil. - big seams in front of QP's, inconsistent coping & tall rails.

Milverton, ON - Better seems. Better Coping Reveal. Still some lumpy concrete work.


Belleville - A skate dot and an addition to the existing park.  A relapse back to all the old issues plus additional issues when they tried to freestyle.

It seems what CRC needs is a babysitter. They have the ability to make good parks. They just don't seem to care. Multiple attempts to reach out and have a civil conversation have failed. 
Reminder - This in an opinion piece.

More reasons to look elsewhere.
CRC appears to have issues with knowing where their skateparks are and what they look like.
This is not the Niagara-on-the-Lake skatepark.  This is Chippewa Lions Park, in Niagara but not NOTL. They did design the NOTL park but Pro-pour built it & it's really nice. Way to go Pro-pour.
Wallace Emerson was moved before it was decommissioned in ~2022. A new concrete park by NewLine is underway as of fall 2024.

This is not Corunna. It is, in fact, Ingersoll. This is also the image CRC uses for their Ingersoll project page. 

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