Saturday 12 October 2024

George Jowett Random Ramp

 George Jowett Random Ramp


How to find parks - Part 3

George Jowett Memorial Hall

13137 Riverside Dr, Morrisburg

A couple of years ago, Kurt of The Dirty Jags Tour said he's seen a ramp somewhere near Morrisburg, Ontario.  I got to lurking and the only thing I found was a random ramp in Ingleside.

In 2022, I checked out Ingleside on the way to Cornwall but these ramps were gone.

Fast Forward to 2024 and the April Eclipse. I get a message from another friend.

'Name that Skatepark' is my favourite game!
Well, I didn't recognize it.  I lurked my friend and her BF on FB and all their Eclipse photography had Morrisburg tagged. So I'm not much closer with this new info but it's eliminated Ingleside as the ramp is still present.

Working off this photo, I tried zooming in on the mural on the hall but you can only say 'enhance' so many times.

Then I tried something new.  I plugged the shot into a google image search and focused on the mural.  Despite the poor shot, Google matched to image and gave me the location.

Despite its age, I still got some. Probably an NBD!

George Jowett was an English-born Canadian Strongman. (1891-1969)



Greely Village Skateboard Park

& Dirt Track

7292 Parkway Rd

I like this Park!  Is it perfect - No!  Is it Fun? YES!

This looong spot is bent into a lightning bolt shape and I'm told this really helps segment the park into 3 distinct lanes when the park gets busy.  There are a bunch of curbs, ledges and um...Stuff.  All the basics are here with some tweaks to make me happy.  

Lane 1 - Starting with a nice Pier 7 ledge and a 3 set.  This leads to a quality flat ledge and flat rail with some waxed planter curbs.  This leads you to the QP.
This is a really nice and wide 3' QP with a little bit of a key hole cut in the middle. 

Heading back down Lane 2, there is an 'A' frame with a gap and rail. The rail is a little high (only negative in my review). This brings you to a hipped bank.

Lane 3 - coming off the hip, there's a long, wide manny pad/ledge and some more curbs.  There are long paved strips leading to both ends of the park.

Beveled fronts for wallies!!!  This should be skatepark standard now.

"not enough room" is not a problem here.

Double Dirt Track.

Findlay Creek

 Findlay Creek

Diamond Jubilee Skateboard Park

2810 Findlay Creek Dr

It's been a long time since I forgot to take photographs of the skatepark.  Welp, it happened.  Here's some screen shots.  It's your typical pre-fab.  The layout is pretty bad with a couple ramps/ledges only having about 6ft of run up/run out.  There's no QP/Ledge leading to the big box so you gotta run & throw down.  Even the kicker box is backwards in relation to the QP.

Could be Worse.

Manotick Skatepark and Pump Track

 Manotick Skatepark and Pump Track

5572 Dr Leach dr.

A nice modern skatepark with the essentials and some extra fun stuff.  Crews were installing a rail and seating so the grass gap is gone. Quite an upgrade from the old, pre-fab park you can find on Street View.

Where's Spanky?

Another good pump track with a rolling table top.

If this had a rail or curb, I'd be sold on this park.

Saturday 5 October 2024

Seaton Rec Complex - Part 2

 Seaton Rec Complex - Part 2

Three concepts for the interior of the Seaton Rec Complex & Library are now out for public survey.  You can check them out in more detail & fill out the survey HERE.

The complex features gyms, pool, library etc.  There are a number of exterior features that are included with placeholder images for the playground, splash pad and SKATEBOARD PARK.

If you know me, you know how embedded I am when it comes to skateparks, especially in Pickering.  The Seaton development was included in the 2017 Pickering Skateboard Park Strategy. It calls for a Community Skatepark (~2500Sqm) in Seaton with the map indicating the Seaton Rec Complex being the proposed location with other smaller spots/dots in other smaller Seaton parks (Page 15).

I have an issue with the size of the placeholder 'SKATEBOARD PARK'.  The small space set aside to the skatepark appears to be about half the size of the nearby basketball court. From The Strategy, we know that a basketball half court is the foot print of a Skate Spot.

If the city has changed direction with the All-wheels Park facility at Seaton Rec Complex, they haven't made their stakeholders aware of this change in direction.

I have been told, and it's been documented, that Seaton Rec with have a Community Sized All-wheels park. Heck, I'd settle for a Neighbourhood Sized Skatepark. 

The Stakeholders Meeting email I received includes 'All-wheels park' but the concepts and recent Video allude to or state 'skate spot'

Enough Venting About Size

Let's discuss what Pickering needs.

Pickering needs a large skatepark with a bowl, mini-ramp & a quality pump track.  As the Rec & Parks 10 Year Plan States - 

 All-wheels parks (skateboarding, scootering, BMX biking, inline skating), skateboard parks, and pump tracks are now a standard level of service in most municipalities. (page E-18). 

Here are some examples of modern All-Wheels facilities that are meeting the needs of local users.

Whitby Sport ComplexThe Future Whitby Sports Complex will feature a a modern skatepark with a full 'street style' section with standard and sculptural obstacles, a full bowl and pump track.  Estimated to be complete in late 2025, this facility will add to Whitby's network of old and modern skateparks.

The small town of Waterford, ON opened their new skatepark in 2024. It features a large bowl, jump ramp and big wall as well as the typical skatepark features.  The large features cater to to local BMX and Scooter skatepark users that are the primary local users.  (~10000SqFt.  Pop. ~4500)

TelMax Skatepark - Newmarket
Newmarket's first outdoor skatepark has all the amenities that skatepark users desire and more.  There are 2 shaded seating areas, a solar powered charging station and a water station.  Lighting is planned with the electrical infrastructure installed during the build.  TelMax secured the sponsorship rights and the park has been adorned with branding in a way that didn't affect the riding surface.  Skate features include a learners area, bowl and various sizes of ledges, rails and ramps.

I feel pretty safe saying that THIS is what skatepark users expect.  This large park includes all the basic features in various sizes, a decent bowl and access to the other rec centre amenities.  The addition of the skatable AJAX sculpture is a bonus.  The minor drawbacks of this park is the construction. It was designed by Spectrum Skateparks but built by the general contractor UCC Group.  Some of the finer features that a skatepark specialist would have noticed were missed such as the blending of the flat to transition of the bowl.  UCC has become better with experience but Skatepark Specialists are better.

Pefferlaw Skatepark and Pump Track
Pefferlaw (Pop. ~3000) opened their All-wheels facility earlier this year (2024). The Skatepark is simple but has all the features users need and enough tweaks to make the park stand out and add challenge.  The pump track is fantastic and the whole park is lit for evening use.

Another small town with a new skatepark in Wellesley, ON.  After several skatepark failures, the Township finally hired the right company which resulted in a quality, Neighbourhood Sized Skatepark.

Halton Hills, ON has a fantastic Action Sports Network with continual plans to expand. Gellert Skatepark features a large bowl, mini-bowl and large street section. Halton Hills created their Action Sport Needs Assessment in 2017 (the same year Pickering approved The Pickering Skateboard Park Strategy) and in that time they have created the Gellert Skatepark, made plans for additional skate spots,  replaced 3 Muskatears Skatepark in Acton after an arena expansion & replaced their old Victor Ford Era skatepark at Mold-Masters Arena. Pickering, in that same amount of time, has built ONE skate spot and mismanaged skateboarding programming.

Sixteen Mile Skatepark, Oakville
The new Sixteen Mile Sports Complex in Oakville will include a large skatepark with a pump track and competition level bowl.  Oakville had a history of installing skateparks with prefabricated ramps that have broken down over time. Their most recent additions to the action sports network have all been poured in place concrete including the Cornwall Rd Skate Spot.  It is a flowy, moonscape style bowl that would work well in lieu of a pump track.

With Skateboarding and BMX included in the Summer Olympic Games, the demand for skatepark information has increased.  The latest modern All-wheels facilities are being designed with progression in mind.  They feature solid obstacles that can be utilized by all skill levels and groups.  

The Olympic Skateboarding Events are broken down into two categories for both Men & Women.  Skateboarding Park takes place in a Transition Park/Bowl consisting mostly of different sized quarter pipe with extensions, gaps and rails.  Skateboarding Street takes place in a Street Style skatepark with a focus on Stairs, rails, hubbas (angled ledges) and gaps.  Canadian athletes have participated in both Park and Street. 

The All-wheels park users of Pickering are excited about the possibility of a high quality skatepark that will allow for progression while catering to all skill levels.  There is a lack of transition in Pickering. The only quality quarter pipe in Pickering is at the West Shore Skate Spot and at 5ft, it is perfect for experienced skaters but is a little too large to learn on. 

I have been contacted by Pickering Staff in the past regarding skateparks and have supplied information included in the 2017 Pickering Skateboard Park Strategy, The West Shore Skate Spot and Advocating for 10 years.  The Public often contacts me about skatepark projects in Pickering and the rest of Ontario.  I've previously posted those requests HERE, on a previous article about Seaton Rec.  Several of those requests include a large flat area for learning, roller skating and surf skating.  The original Vaughan Park is 'V' shaped, leading to a large flat area that is used as an Ice Skating path in the winter.  There is a place holder Skate Path in the Seaton Concepts.

So what's next.  

Pickering's next all-wheels park needs to be designed and built by a company that specializes in Skatepark Design and Construction.  General Contractors and Engineering Firms simply don't have the experience to produce quality skateparks.  Additionally,  the companies recent work should be inspected whenever possible and user feedback should be taken into account.

Canada has many Skatepark Specialists to choose from with staff who skateboard or BMX and understand skateparks.  NewLine skateparks has been a leader in Canadian skateparks for 20years. Radius Skateparks created my favourite skatepark, Campbellford.  Pickering successfully worked with Transition Construction on a Design/Build Contract for the West Shore Skate Spot.  Papillion Skateparks from Quebec has started building amazing parks in Ontario. Drop-in Skateparks from Manitoba have started contracts here as well.  There are a number of American and International Design/Build firms Pickering should approach for a competitive Bid.  These include Grindline, Spohn Ranch, Beaver Concrete and many more.

Turtle island feature at the Akwesasne Skatepark by Papillion Skateparks

One company I must object to in the strongest possible terms is Canadian Ramp Company.  Their work is consistently underwhelming, leaving the local skatepark users dismayed.  A recent project (July 2024 - Sonny Belch Skate Spot) has already had a major re-build of its central feature.  Their Aurora Family Leisure Complex project was found to be structurally deficient and a complete re-build was recommended.  I have kept a stringent record of CRC and all Ontario skatepark Design/Builders which can be found HERE.

Modern skatepark are amazing works of sculptural and structural concrete.  Skaters appreciate an aesthetically beautiful park but demand quality in their skate facilities.