Thursday, 10 September 2020

Gore Meadows. Brampton, ON

 Gore Meadows. Brampton, ON

10150 The Gore Rd

In the farthest back corner of the parking lot.

When this park was originally installed, it was close to the main building on a fresh asphalt pad. 

When the Community Centre was expanded, the skatepark was moved away from the building on the far side of an outdoor rink. 

& nothing was done with the spot.

The layout was pretty much the same except this time the park was installed on a concrete pad...

With Broom Finish...

Running perpendicular to the flow of the park!

If you don't speak 'skatepark' this means it was finished like a sidewalk, only rougher, and it's like hitting a wall when you come off a smooth ramp to the rough concrete surface.

If you can stay on your board, the park is ok.

This park is getting a huge facelift in 2025-2026. 
This is the concept for the new skatepark.

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