Saturday 12 October 2024



Greely Village Skateboard Park

& Dirt Track

7292 Parkway Rd

I like this Park!  Is it perfect - No!  Is it Fun? YES!

This looong spot is bent into a lightning bolt shape and I'm told this really helps segment the park into 3 distinct lanes when the park gets busy.  There are a bunch of curbs, ledges and um...Stuff.  All the basics are here with some tweaks to make me happy.  

Lane 1 - Starting with a nice Pier 7 ledge and a 3 set.  This leads to a quality flat ledge and flat rail with some waxed planter curbs.  This leads you to the QP.
This is a really nice and wide 3' QP with a little bit of a key hole cut in the middle. 

Heading back down Lane 2, there is an 'A' frame with a gap and rail. The rail is a little high (only negative in my review). This brings you to a hipped bank.

Lane 3 - coming off the hip, there's a long, wide manny pad/ledge and some more curbs.  There are long paved strips leading to both ends of the park.

Beveled fronts for wallies!!!  This should be skatepark standard now.

"not enough room" is not a problem here.

Double Dirt Track.

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