Thursday, 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.
It's warm enough to skate outdoors here in Toronto so I took a quick roll down the street.
Looking back: 
Two years ago the Ice Storm had just rolled through and many were still without power.
 Dropping off a skateboard for the Tattooed Santa Toy and Food Cruise @ Thrive Studios, Cambridge.
 We were lucky our damage was minimal but this branch almost hit our dogs, who wanted to pee at 2am.

A year ago I had hit Elmira a few days before and was working a night shift on Christmas Eve.
Cold but clear.
The bowl, however, was not clear. I would have to wait until spring to skate it.

But the biggest surprise last Christmas was our son being born early on Christmas Day.
Three days old with his first deck.

This past year has flown by. Watching our little man grow, skating with my wife and with friends and doing some skatepark advocacy.

 I'll have to get some trucks and wheels soon.
 Gem joined us at Skatelife this year and we hope his trip home is safe and his return is soon.
 Logan wasn't sure of Tattooed Santa, but left some skateboards for the toy drive anyways.

Skatelife hit up Muskoka Woods again this year. Here's the clip.

12.5 foot drop-in and biggest boardslide I've ever done in one clip.

More to come...

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Skating Through December

If you're looking for a cool gift this year I suggest checking out Skate Stratford ( They are fundraising for a new park (photos of the current park can be found HERE) and donations of as low as $50 will get you on the donor wall plus a T-shirt.  Stratford has been fighting long and hard for this park. Check out their Facebook -

This year give the gift of Skateboarding. Donate to a Park Project or drop off a complete to a Toy Drive. You might change someones life.
It looks like it might be a green Christmas in the Toronto Area so GO SKATE.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Caesarea, ON

Caesarea, ON
Now open officially, (A Grand Opening will be held May 14, 2016) Caesarea has a beautiful park to call their own. Designed by Spectrum Skataparks, it features wave patterns on some ledges and the rails are supported by anchors, paying respect to the town's waterfront history. The Mayor even took a ride on his board( kudos for the helmet Mayor. You set a good example.)
This was the 12th park this year and 276th on the life list. Well done Susie and everyone else involved. Thanks to the two nice ladies who held my son so I could sweep and take a quick ride on the park.

Friday, 2 October 2015

October 2, 2015 - A day of 4 parks.

October 2, 2015 - A day of 4 parks.
I always set myself goals when it comes to skateboarding. Usually they involve hitting certain parks or getting involved in projects. I wanted to hit 10 new parks this year (hit 60 new last year) and with the birth of my son, I felt this low number was attainable. This morning I ventured back to the KW area and after breakfast with friends I went to the long delayed Wellesley Park. # 273 Not pretty but I'll take it.

 Damaged leg on modular ledge.
A single quarter pipe.
It took over 8 years and a mid construction halt to end up with this.  Half of the budget was spent on excavation, refilling and re-excavating the site. Read some of this stupid story here - Obverver Wellesley skatepark.

Next, I went back to Elmira to skate a little and get the snow free shots I didn't get at the grand opening as I was having too much fun.

Next I headed to the new park in Kitchener in Fischer Park near Forest Heights Library. After breaking up a stupid high school fight I skated and my back truck nearly lost its bolt. The park is really nice but I feel it could have been better. The youth at the design meeting I attended seemed very entitled. I'll explain- Kitchener budgeted for 2 skatepark to be built over 4 years (at an est. cost of 400000-500000$ each). None of the youth were willing to compromise on what they wanted and to result was a really deep bowl (9 foot. First render had shallower bowl with stairs) and smaller everything else (5 set and 3.5 foot quarter. Most ledges and rails were raised for bikes.) In the end, most skaters wanted a plaza and Bmx'rs wanted a deep bowl to air out of.  What I believe in the end will be two really good parks could have been two amazing parks if the guys at the design meeting had realized that with a little patience they could have 1 amazing plaza park and 1 amazing bowl park. But maybe that's the grey hairs talking. Park # 274.

 This old dude, borrowed my board, said it was too tight, tried to do a spin & fell.

Last I went to the new park in Cambridge.
I like it. It has a nice long ledge over the manny pad. Park # 275 and apparently my 11th park of the year.

Cool day. Now bed.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

My Speech to the Executive Committee

My Speech to the Executive Committee

Firstly, I’d like to thank the Executive Committee for letting me speak today on this important issue.
My name is Scott Loyst.  I am a lifelong skater, a 10 year Paramedic, Pickering Resident for the same amount of time and more recently, a parent.
I am speaking in support of building a skate spot at Petticoat Creek Community Centre.
Skating is not the fringe sport it once was – there are more than 15 million North American skaters of all ages & an estimated 4-7% of the Canadian population skates.  Skating is on the world stage as a multi-million $ industry with televised events.
There were many concerns brought up at the open house and these included noise, undesirable activity and graffiti.  I understand and respect that residents have these concerns.  Everyone wants to live in a peaceful and community.
State of current Pickering park                   The City of Pickering was very progressive when they built a skatepark in the late 90’s. Since then, skatepark construction has improved greatly and some skateparks are virtually works of engineering and architectural art.  I understand why the current skateparks condition may be used by those who oppose a new skateboard facility. The location of the old skatepark does not allow for passive observance and the approved graffiti area encourages tagging of the park. Even with its poor design it is well used by skaters and bmx’ers.
Noise    While it is true that modular ramps, like at Ajax Community Centre, with transition plates and hollow metal obstacles can produce a lot of noise, a properly built poured in place concrete skatepark, like the park at Audley Recreation Centre, produce much less sound.  Portland State University in their study entitled “The Urban Grind” studied sound levels and community parks with and without skateparks.  They determined the sound levels from a 10000sqft PIP park at 50ft produced peak readings of 70dB. Similar to that of passing cars or a basketball game & at 200ft skatepark sounds were drowned out by ambient noise.
Crime    This same study found that there is no correlation between skateboard parks and serious crime.  In the case of London, ON, it has been reported that police experience no higher degree of issues associated with skateparks than with other park amenities that serve as gathering points such as swing-sets and play equipment.  London, I might add, has 11 skateboarding facilities. Most are in small neighbourhood parks close to the residents they serve.
Graffiti                  While many appreciate graffiti as an art form, most skaters do not want paint on the riding surface as it affects traction.  Other communities have prevented graffiti and vandalism by having the park on camera. Turner Skatepark in Hamilton, ON, is video monitored and located between a Hamilton Police stn and the YMCA.  The park in Fort Erie, ON, is located by that towns City Hall and is on 24 hour camera which is also accessible from the internet to anyone.
Safety   As far as safety is concerned, statistics from health Canada indicate less than 0.35 of skaters suffer injuries that require medical attn. That ranks skating safer than hockey, baseball, soccer and Fishing.  It is also noted in the Health Canada report that less than 5% of skateboarding injuries occur in the skatepark.  Of course helmets and pads are always recommended to help prevent injuries. Skaters for Public Skateparks is a non-profit skatepark advocacy group that tracks data on skateboarding.  They put out a yearly report of skateboarding related fatalities. Last year in the United States there were 28 skateboard related deaths  – 23 of those were struck by a vehicle while none occurred in a skatepark.
Skateboarding is a low cost activity for anyone and provides unstructured opportunities for all-ages to develop and master skills, engage in physical exercise and activity and socialize in a constructive environment. Skating teaches the young users how to share the space, how to interact with other users and how to take turns.   Skateboarding has no racial, gender, age or socio-economic barriers. Anyone can skate and the sense of community skating brings is indescribable.
As a paramedic, my shift work makes it difficult to commit to a scheduled team sport. I am able to get enjoyment and exercise when I skate.
As a tax payer, I support any endeavour that will allow residents to get out and be active doing something that they love.
I’d like to close with a post from the Facebook wall of the St. Mary’s Stonetown Skatepark Facebook page. The post reads simply “Hayden, you left your puffer at the park.” Now to me, that says community.

Again thanks you for letting me speak in support of this project. I hope this Skatepark acts as a BAROMETER and speaks to the need for additional small skate facilities in the great City of Pickering.  Thank You.

September 14th, 2015 Executive Council Meeting Follow-up

September 14th, 2015 Executive Council Meeting Follow-up

So, Pickering is no closer to getting a new park than before the meeting but at the same time, we are no further either.  Executive Council voted 5 to 2 to have Parks dept. form a skatepark strategy for the 2016 budget or ASAP.

Here's how the meeting went down.
6 other skaters who had found the poster were also in attendance.( Thanks for coming out guys & girl) 
Myself and a friend had signed up to speak in council chambers as had 3 members of a group of approximately 12 seniors who oppose the location of the park.
All those in opposition began by saying that they had nothing against skateboarders.
The first gentleman gave a somewhat unprepared speech and commented on the state of the current Pickering skatepark, the lack of nets in the basketball hoops and the lack of youth currently using the Petticoat Creek community centre. He also presented a petition signed by 96 residents opposing the park.
He took his 10 minutes was applauded by his group. Council then asked that there be no applause.

I was next and delivered my speech with you can read HERE if you like. I was admittedly terrified but I made it through and then felt less that I was going to barf. Council proceeded to ask me about 5 questions which I felt comfortable answering.
After I returned to my seat, the first gentleman rose and asked to add something to his earlier speech. He was told he had used his 10 and could not. 
The next speaker was the youngest of the opposition group. She had her own notes prepared but was also given an article the first gent had tried to add. She had not read it and stated it was a 2013 article stating skateboarding was on the decline. No source given (Edit - I've found the article. It's conveniently titled 'The Death of Skateboarding' on the website 'Love Extreme Sports'. It sites "a recent report" stating the popularity of skateboarding as a Google search term has decreased. The "source" is a blog, like mine, with 3 posts and the data is from Google Trends.) 

My friend, Jay, spoke. When he gave his address as Whitby, old folks scoffed at him. Rude!
He was great and spoke to the benefits of skateboarding.
Another opposition speaker, who had some constructive points as to where other parks could go.
The last 'Pro' speaker is a Father who is tired of taking his 40mins away to scooter. He was 'no nonsense' and said he was not surprised by the opposition delegates.  He was then heckled by the first guy. The Father then commented on the 2013 article saying that he doesn't believe it to be true but if it is, it is only due to an increase in BMX and scooter use. Again, he was interrupted by the opposition, who were told to be quiet and the Father was asked to only address the committee.
The Delegation session over, myself and the other skaters excused ourselves and met in the hall.  I was approached by a reporter from the News Advertiser. She took my name and info for an interview later.
I returned to the chamber to await the vote.  
Arnold Mostert, Sr. Coordinator; Land & Park Development, gave a presentation on how the site selection was made and how Petticoat Creek was chosen.  The department wanted a location that is central but at the opposite end of the city from Princess Diana park.
Mayor Ryan and Councillor Ashe both questioned why the current park wasn't put on the assessment chart. It was revealed that there was a tender to improve (replace the mini ramp) the current park but due to its low value no bids were received. The new parks expanded budget would include not only the new skate spot but repairs to Princess Diana.
It was recommended by council there should be a reassessment, again, and it might be better to invest in a facelift of the old park rather than place a park in an area that doesn't want it.
Many of the councillors made reference to what I had said about the park being one of the worst 5 in Canada to mean it was unrideable.  I felt it would be out of order to correct them: that’s why I kept notes.
Councillor Pickles stated he thought the skate spot is a good idea and repairs do not need to be in advance of the micro park.
Councillor McLean said he was amazed at how the youth interact and help each other. "We have to keep kids occupied. I think this is a good location." He also stated council should move forward with a park at Petticoat Creek or St. Mary’s.
The Mayor moved to have the Park dept. form a skatepark strategy by the 2016 budget or as soon as possible.
Voted 5 to 2 in favor.

I left chambers and met Arnold. I expressed interest in assisting any way possible and gave a copy of my speech and have since provided him with additional information. We were approached by the First Gentleman who said we looked “Buddy-buddy” and alleged there was a conspiracy to push the skatepark through without informing residents. I also met reporter Kristen Calis from the News Advertiser who said Committee Meetings don't usually get so feisty. I gave her a copy of my speech and she said she'd call for an interview later.
I’m glad I wasn’t alone in this but more support is always needed. Let me know if you want to help.


Photo day for the News Advertiser.

New Pickering Skatepark Information

Follow @PickeringSkateparksAlliance on Instagram

Check out the Latest HERE - Let's Help Toronto. Part 2 - Woburn Park
The rest is in chronological order.

September 14th, 2015 Executive Council Meeting Follow-up
My Speech 
Video of the meeting including my speech.

Pickering News Advertiser Article. ' Pickering council puts the breaks on new skate park location' September 24, 2015
Local newspaper article about the meeting and the proposed park. I made the cover but I thought there could have been a better title for the article. My choice "Talks for new Pickering skate park stall"

October 7, 2016.  The Latest.

NOVEMBER: The Most Latest

Parks Master Plan Public Input Session
& Follow Up. Jan 31, 2017

Building for the Future
Pickering Skatepark Petition and Video

The Chronicle article

West Shore Community Centre

Pickering West Shore Community Association is Hiring a Summer Student!

Pickering Skateboard Park Strategy Meeting on June 27, 2017!

(Now with Updates)

Council Votes to approve the skate spot.

Helping Brampton (cuz I work there)

News Blasts on the Skate Spot Survey

For updates on Construction follow @PickeringSkateparksAliiance on Instagram

Big thanks to Transition Construction and Grays Landscaping.

Video and more

What do the Candidates think of skateparks? We asked them.

Every concern I brought up with the city was ignored. Now the spot is bunk.

Surface Testing Event.  Tuesday, April 30, 2024. 4-6pm

How skaters got the spot clean and the city saved face.
Lots of skatepark/all-wheels stuff in the works. All it needs is advocacy!

After a heavy handed power washing, the locals had to fix up the park.
Concepts for Seaton Rec and Skatepark Recommendations.

Toronto is planning a new spot in Scarborough/Guildwood. So far, we've got them to switch from pre-fab to Concrete.

Frequently updated with all things Sk8/T.O. cuz someone's gotta do it.