Sunday 30 June 2024

Rec & Parks 10 year Plan

 Rec & Parks 10 year Plan

I have gone through the Entire Plan so you don't have to.  Here are the Skatepark related Highlight. Some recommendations in BOLD. My fave line is 'All-wheels parks (skateboarding, scootering, BMX biking, inline skating), skateboard parks, and pump tracks are now a standard level of service in most municipalities. (page E-18)'. 

We better get started!

There's mention of Pump Tracks as well! I will be providing my contacts at the city with examples of skateparks, pump tracks and skate dots.  Your involvement in essential.  Check out the Plan HERE and fill out the Survey HERE

Here's the skatepark highlights.

Executive Summary - Pickering's Youth request Outdoor Recreation Such as Skateboarding (page vi)

Introduction - Skate Parks included in the plan (page 2)

Recent Accomplishments - West Shore Skate Spot opened in 2022 (page 8)

Summary of Public Input - Skateboarding and Skateparks included. Household participation- 8%.  Support use of funds- 45% (pages 20-24)

Summary of City Input - Skateboard Parks included in Parkland Acquisition (page 25)

Existing Facilities - Disposal of West Shore Community Centre not recommended due to WSSS on site (page 39)

Future Facilities - Seaton Rec Complex- Outdoor Spaces- Skate Spot. This should be a neighbourhood or community skateboard park (page 41)

Skateboard Parks - Big section on Skateboard Parks - Highlights - 10 year plan for 1 skatepark and up to 7 skate spots. Focus on term 'All-wheels Parks'.  Addition of Pump Tracks. Includes Seaton Rec Community Skatepark. (pages 80-83) 

Park Design, Maintenance & Renewal - Claremont Memorial Park- Skate Spot part of phase 2, currently unfunded.  Hydro Corridor Park- New Skatepark! (page 138)

Table 39: Outdoor Rec & Park Facilities Recommendations -  Above Recommendations with rough timelines. (pages175-176)

Appendix A -  Skateboard Park Strategy 2017 (page A1)

Appendix C - Analysis of Public Input- 'Facility near White Road and Brock Road' This may mean Whitevale Rd & Brock. A skate spot is planned for the area.  'The skate park on Bayly seems underutilized' Contex is important. The Mural made the surface unsafe for 9 months. The city has failed to host camps & events at this location.  Feedback of 2% for more Action sports facilities in Pickering.  The City Poorly engaged Skatepark users by not promoting open houses at skateparks. (page C3-C4)

Youth Engagement - Facility Priorities for Elementary School Children included Skateboard Parks in their Top 10 (page C-20)

Youth Survey - 11% of respondents stated they Skateboard or Scootered within the past 12 months. 22% enjoy Unstructured activities like 'Skateboarding'. 12% want more Skateboard related activities. (page C-24-C-29)

A4: Stakeholder Input - Strengths- The City's Skateparks are used consistently and cleared off in the winter. Trends- Skateboard has shown growth since Pandemic. (C-36)

Barriers & Challenges - Skateparks do not have a reputable public perception. When you (the city) hide a skatepark, people go there to do hidden things. It's not favourable the current skatepark is the site of a homicide. (page C-37)

Facility Needs - Continued expansion of skatepark network with recommendations. (page C-37-C-38)

Listing of Existing Outdoor Recreation Facilities (page D-3)

Benchmarking Against Comparator Municipalities (page D-5)

Appendix E - Skateboard Parks - Summary of the Above Info. 'Skateboard parks take many forms and formats...and fit within a park and its surrounding land uses.' (page E-18)

Park Use is Changing - Activities like Skateboarding, BMX etc. and increasing in popularity. (pages E-25-E-26)

These are all positive signs for the City of Pickering to actively expand its 'All-Wheels' Network.

Please attend the Open Houses.

Open House Dates/Times
Location: Chestnut Hill Developments Recreation Complex 

Tuesday, July 9 – 5:30-8:30 pm
Wednesday, July 10 – 9:30-12 pm
Wednesday, July 17 – 5:30-8:30 pm

& the follow-up

I attended the open house and discussed skateparks with staff. I informed them I had a few recommendations and they said 'send them in!'

Here's what I sent them.

Hi M!

It’s nice to finally put a face to a name. As you know, I’ve been very active for several years with skatepark advocacy in Pickering and beyond. I’m excited by the possibilities with this ten year plan and continued work on the Skateboard Park Strategy (2017).  
There are a few sections I’d like to highlight for some possible edits. I hope you don’t think I’m being too picky.

Page 41 notes Seaton Rec Complex has been identified for a skate spot.  Later in the Draft and in the Skateboard Park Strategy, it is noted that Seaton is identified for a Skatepark.  Skate Spots, Dots and community & neighbourhood Skateparks are designated sizes (sq M). This could be edited for consistency and the Draft later states Seaton Community Skatepark (Recommendations - page 83)

Appendix C - Analysis of Public Input(page C3-C4)- 'Facility near White Road and Brock Road' This may mean Whitevale Rd & Brock. It isn’t clear  
'The skate park on Bayly seems underutilized’.  Context here is important. The Mural made the surface unsafe for 9 months. The city has failed to host camps & events at this location in the year prior to the mural.  Since the mural removal, the spot has been very active and users are happy.
Feedback of 2% for more Action sports facilities in Pickering.  The City Poorly engaged Skatepark users by not promoting open houses at skateparks. 
Additionally, a document I received in January from the Recreation Programmer included a Skateboard Competition on July 20th, 2024. That’s tomorrow and there has been no announcement or promotion.

Barriers & Challenges - Skateparks do not have a reputable public perception.(page C-37). The Pickering Skatepark does not have a good reputation but parks in other communities in Ontario do not have the same issue.  Small towns are clamouring for skate facilities since the inclusion of skateboarding in the 2020 Olympics.   When the city hides a skatepark, people go there to do hidden things. It's not favourable the current Pickering. skatepark is the site of a homicide.  Modern Skateparks are now built in high traffic areas where they’re easily observed and allow skaters and bystanders to interact safely.  A family had lunch and watched me skate at the West Shore Skate Spot yesterday & I had a great time chatting with the mom and engaging with the kids.

Thank you for considering these points.  
I am excited to get to work on the future All-wheels facilities.

Pickering Skateparks Alliance

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