Pickering Rec Complex Skatepark Concept
The Pickering Skateboard Park Strategy Draft includes a concept park for the front of the Rec Complex. The (latest) Draft can be found HERE.
The park concept is on page 21.
You can leave feedback with the City at communityservices@pickering.ca until December 6th or in person at the open house on Monday November 27th @ 5:30-8:00pm.
There are a few minor changes I would like to see and have detailed them below.
1) Feature 'B' - add shallow end stairs to the bowl.
2) Feature 'F' - Concrete the whole thing to allow for manuals and reduce number of sides. Add over/under ledge to side closest to the Rec Complex.
3) Feature 'G' - Low to high 'A' frame rail
4) Remove roller bump from south end of park.
4) Remove roller bump from south end of park.
Let the city know what you think of the Strategy and the park or leave a comment below and I'll make sure it gets passed along because if you don't...