Wednesday, 20 September 2017

More progress in West Shore

On September 13th at the Pickering West Shore Community Association AGM, Pat presented his sensory garden concept and I presented the West Shore Skate Spot proposal. Councillor Maurice Brenner was on hand and shall I say...on board! The membership had a lot of questions and concerns but by the end of the meeting the majority supported the proposals. 

Had a quick skate before the meeting.

Pat presented his Sensory Garden concept.

Councillor Brenner discussed the projects and other neighbourhood issues.

The membership votes overwhelming in favour of continuing our Skatepark and Garden projects. 
Note* I snapped this picture after the membership had voted and missed most of the raised hands.

Councillor Maurice Brenner continues to support the projects in the community.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Frankford, ON

Frankford, ON
If you followed the link from the Canada Skateboard Skatepark Map, I'm Sorry.
Since the map was created, I've been at odds with CS over the map and their use of my skatepark map, blog and photos. I had to push to be listed as a media partner, something that CS promised as part of creating the map with my work. I have, on many occasions, asked for the map to be fixed as the pin for the FrankFORD, ONTARIO skatepark is in FrankFORT, MICHIGAN. As this is the Canada Wide Skatepark map, I though correcting this pin in the United States might be a priority or at least handled within the year. Well, it seems there's been some turn over in the organization and the last 2 people I'd been dealing with are no longer there and there was a job posting for the position in early 2024. I even applied but did not get an interview.  Hopefully I can connect with the new person in this position and get things fixed and updated, since there hasn't been an update in ~3years.

Update - I reached out to Canada Skateboard about fixing & updating the map and reached the Communications Director. She took my concerns to their next meeting. The result - They killed the map.  The Skatepark Map has been scrubbed from their website but Skatepark Tour & I are still listed as Partners.  CS seems to have a lot problems as they just cancelled the National Championships on one day notice.  Tour and I are considering our next move but if you've found this, you're already in the bast resource for skateparks in Eastern Canada and SkateparkTour.CA is the best for the west.

For more about the park, including the address click HERE

Friday, 1 September 2017

Pickering West Shore Community Association Update

Pickering West Shore Community Association Update

At the beginning of the year Pickering was taking feedback for what would become the proposed Skateboard Park Strategy.  One of the PWSCA members saw the work myself and other skaters were putting into getting improved facilities in Pickering. The Association applied for, and received, a grant to hire two students; One to design an accessible sensory garden and one to design a skatepark for the West Shore area.
They both worked very hard through the summer and presented progress reports every time we met.
Our final meeting was held in a boardroom at city hall and was attended by City of Pickering Staff Members and Ward 1 Councillor Maurice Brenner.

The Skatepark Design Project student, Syd Patterson, had created a great presentation focusing on the area I've been pushing for since the Petticoat Creek location was shut down. Syd's presentation solidified West Shore Community Centre as the best location for a skatespot. There is more work to be done but it's all coming together.
Photos courtesy of Maurice Brenner 

Final meeting with Students, PWSCA members and City Staff.

3 amazing concept parks by Syd Patterson
Concept 1

 Concept 2

 Concept 3

Sensory Garden design. Pat did a fifty thousand dollar design and concept job for $3000.
Well done sir.

Shannon Park

Shannon Park
Kingston, ON
Park #324
50 Maccauley St

We had a bunch of fun.

Here's the original rendering. Final product has a lot of changes but Gnorman approves. Bring your park wheels.

Charlie Bowins Skatepark. Ottawa, ON

Charlie Bowins Skatepark
Ottawa, ON
Located in McNabb Park
Park #322

Parc Arthur Therrien

Parc Arthur Therrien
I've been hoping to hit this park since I first spotted some construction photos on Instagram.
Park #319.
 This park has everything you could want (short of a bowl, but there's plenty of transition). There is a great replicated street section and some street lamps in the park. Their not really bright but enough to skate at night. 

 Concrete coping over gap.

 Pole Jam & step-up gap

 6 step quarter pipe

 Street with hydrant


Great ledge/manny pad combo